Water Efficiency Certification in Queensland for Rental Properties

Water Efficiency Certification in Queensland for Rental Properties

 When it comes to renting out a property in Queensland, landlords and property owners need to comply with various regulations and requirements. One important aspect that deserves attention is water efficiency. In this blog post, we will explore the requirements for renting out a property in Queensland, focusing specifically on the need for a water efficiency certificate and compliance with the Queensland Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Regulations 2009.


 Water efficiency certification in Queensland for Rental Properties

1. Water Efficiency Certificate:

In Queensland, landlords are required to obtain a water efficiency certificate before renting out a property. This certificate ensures that the property meets the water efficiency standards set by the government and allows landlords to charge tenants for their water use.

2. Metering requirements

It is important to note that properties need to be individually metered or receive bulk water delivery by tanker service for a certificate of compliance to be issued.

3. Flow Rate and Dual Flush Toilets:

To meet the water efficiency standards, the property must have a maximum flow rate of 9 liters per minute for all internal cold-water taps. This flow rate limit helps in conserving water and reducing wastage. It is crucial for landlords to ensure that the taps in the property adhere to this requirement. These flow rates can be achieved by installing flow restrictors to taps that do not meet the requirement or by replacing older taps with modern models.

4. Overflowing Overflow Relief Gully

An overflowing overflow relief gully (ORG) is a clear indication that there is a blockage in your sewer. ORGs are designed to prevent sewage from backing up into your home or property by diverting it outside. If it is overflowing, it means that the sewage cannot flow through the pipes and is backing up into the ORG.

Additionally, the property must have dual flush toilets. Dual flush toilets are designed with two buttons or levers, allowing users to select either a full flush or a half flush. The average flush volume for a dual flush toilet needs to be 4 liters per flush, based on the average of one full flush and four half flushes. These toilets help in water conservation by providing options for different flushing needs.

5. Compliance with Regulations:

To comply with the Queensland Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Regulations 2009, landlords must ensure that their rental property meets the water efficiency requirements mentioned above. By obtaining a water efficiency certificate, landlords can provide evidence of compliance and fulfill their legal obligations.

5. Benefits of Water Efficiency Certification:

To comply with the Queensland Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Regulations 2009, landlords must ensure that their rental property meets the water efficiency requirements mentioned above. By obtaining a water efficiency certificate, landlords can provide evidence of compliance and fulfill their legal obligations.

Obtaining a water efficiency certificate and adhering to the regulations not only fulfills legal requirements but also brings several benefits to landlords, tenants, and the environment. Some of the key advantages include:

Cost Savings: By promoting water efficiency, landlords can reduce their tenants’ water bills and operational costs associated with excessive water usage.

Environmental Conservation: Conserving water helps in preserving this valuable resource and reduces the overall ecological footprint.

Tenant Satisfaction: Providing tenants with a water-efficient property demonstrates the landlord’s commitment to sustainability, enhancing tenant satisfaction and promoting long-term tenancy.


Renting out a property in Queensland comes with specific requirements and regulations, including the need for a water efficiency certificate. By ensuring compliance with the Queensland Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Regulations 2009, landlords can contribute to water conservation efforts while meeting their legal obligations. Adhering to the maximum flow rate for taps, installing dual flush toilets are essential aspects of achieving water efficiency in rental properties. By prioritizing water conservation, landlords can create a more sustainable and responsible rental market.


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